- Introduction
- The metaphysical structure of the mind
- Factors affecting mental health
Environmental influences
Genetic predispositions
Past trauma and unresolved experiences
- Conclusion
I’ve been playing with the idea of writing this article, for quite a while. Although, the subject is one of my favourites, it is also the most complex. By establishing the fact that THE ONLY FREEDOM OF MANKIND IS THE FREEDOM OF THOUGHT, makes mental health the centre issue of living.
This freedom allows one to leave the conventional, the comfort zone, the place that represents the limitation. It is a world, one creates according to one’s ideas of the universe, life and the self. Lifestyle, mindset, failures and achievements are valued within.
The comfort zone is not only serving the comfort of the body. Primarily, it is a familiar psychological state of the mind.
A comfort zone is an energy mass that carries the general understanding – I call it the Knowledge – of the people within.
Everything a person does oozes this restriction and shapes the energy with which interrelates. Human beings do their work from the comfort zone. Naturally, they promote their ideas to all but only have discussions with similar energies.
Like every energy mass, the comfort zone carries the characteristics of energy in physical terms. These are sound, taste, substance, smell, colour and vibration. The first five connected features create the last one through which the comfort zone is valued. The higher its vibration the nearer it is to the macrocosm. It means more clarity, knowledge and understanding vital issues, such as the interrelation of energies, the structure of the universe, the meaning of earthly existence and the self. Raising the vibration eventually leads to the ultimate knowledge where the comfort zone evaporates, for it loses its importance. At this point, the human being becomes one with the universe.
The vast majority of earthlings are deeply connected to the planet and its energy. Their vibration is low and solid fences are guarding their thoughts and understanding.
There is a fast-emerging phenomena that shapes comfort zone mass units which are floating between the two planes. These are earthlings that either consciously or unconsciously follow the calling of the universe and on a mission of raising their vibration to match with that of the macrocosm. And this is the group which suffers from the so-called mental disorders, the most.
Floating is a leisurely state of body and mind. Being between the two realms is a struggle. Evolution is not possible without the foundation and implementation of earth energy. It is a physical reality. When floating, the only possibility to rise is by touching the ground. Without the boost gained, life is only a limited survival.
Bearing in mind that life is an elevated conscious existence, it is axiomatic that the path of evolution is open, for it is a constantly moving and changing state.
Evolution of a man is the development of power and possibilities which never develop by themselves.
Evolution of a man is the evolution of his consciousness. Therefore, it cannot develop unconsciously.
It is the evolution of his will, and it cannot evolve involuntarily.
The evolution of a man is the evolution of his power of doing. Doing cannot be the result of things which happen as the flow of being.
Bearing all this in mind, floating is a dead end that suffocates people and limits their thoughts and deeds to the constant circular motion of a squirrel wheel.
The concept of mental health rose to global fame in the beginning of the 20th century when psychoanalysis was introduced by Siegmund Freud, Austrian neuroscientist. Later, he paired up with Carl Jung, Swiss psychiatrist and together, they built a strong foundation of the most controversial approach to human psyche that grew into an extremely profitable business, especially, on the Northern hemisphere.
Like with everything, the vast majority of humanity has never heard of them, others learnt about their theories through the general education curriculum.
Surface commuters adopt their theories as the credible foundation of their work and build profitable businesses using expressions, such as archetype and various versions of it, persona, introvert, extravert, collective unconsciousness, shadow, the self, and creating many more boxes. By caging basic human behaviour patterns, they broke the free flow of the interrelated energies.
The work Freud and Jung considered a valuable breakthrough in understanding the intangible human mind, however, the approach they used, opened a parallel dimension of rules and regulations, while life travelled seemingly freely, influenced by the changes in the micro and macro cosms. The views they presented, were limited by beliefs and consequently, lacked the freedom of science.
The physical body of a human being is the most sophisticated organism on Earth, that enables it to co-exist with souls coming from the macrocosm, and serve as a catalyst to change the vibration of the planet and help raise the frequency of the universe.
A human being is the blend of Earth and the universe. The physical existence comes from Earth. Knowledge, on the other hand is provided through the soul from the outside world. This valuable information about the interrelated matrix of the universe is filtered by the experience of the physical existence and turned into Wisdom if circumstances allow.
One might think that it is a good situation! However, this unique position is the cause of all the confusion, hearth-ache, and also joy. In today’s world, the primary misperception comes from lack of the instinctive purpose all other species possess. The instinctive purpose is never questioned, for doubts are formed by the mind, that is exclusive to human beings and actually belongs to the universe, so to speak. Vegetation and the animal kingdom do not have mind therefore they cannot question or doubt.
I want to clarify my understanding of a human being. A humanoid, soulless life form, with empty gaze, does not belong to the unique specie of Earthlings. I use this expression to differentiate between existing life-forms.
As the author of this piece, I take on a huge responsibility. I feed you data from the macrocosm to help trigger your mind and jerk you out of your comfort zone. This trauma will force you to use the greatest gift of earthlings, thinking.
In this essay, I will highlight the most common misconception and show the alternative route out of the pitfall.
If I fail with my intent, it is either that you couldn’t relate to my reasonings or you think you know better. In this case, I have nothing for you. And since I learn from interactions, you have nothing for me either.
The metaphysical structure of the mind
The more you understand about the interrelations of energies, the happier you’ll be, because everything happens in the mind. Even though, today there is a desperate attempt to detach from reasoning. Without clarity, this journey only opens into a bottomless cul de sac. Confusion results in setting up floating ideas, such as 2-brains or even 3-brains body. Educators, coaches, spiritual leaders urge you to think with the heart rather than use the brain, and follow your gut feeling. These are disturbing teachings, obviously lacking the basic information about the structure of the human body. Brain is a physical organ that lives in the head. The heart and the gut are not capable of reasoning. They only reflect the thoughts coming straight from the subconscious, bypassing the filters of the brain.
What these teachings really want to say is to open your mind, allow the knowledge to flow from your subconscious and organise the thoughts in your conscious. However, this would provide more questions than answers and would force earthlings to leave many of their beliefs behind.
As the philosophy, that observes and teaches the interrelation between the unseen soul and the cosmic knowledge, AKIA gives you free hands to discover and open the depth of the Universe and the mind.
In everyday living Earthlings go through traumas, mishaps, joy, happiness, pleasure, hatred, envy, devilishness, fear, sadness, pain, love and other controversial emotions, and not many of them understand that all their deeds and feelings actually spring from the mind.
The Mind is a management centre, where the data – that is stored in the filing cabinet, called Brain – is processed.
In the metaphysical understanding, the mind of a soul living in physical existence on Earth has four compartments. Each is assigned to one of the 4 basic elements that human beings contain in the physical body. These are as follows:
- The Conscious – Earth element
- The Subconscious – Water element
- The Ego – Air element
- The Pineal Gland – Fire element
As we already established, everything is interrelated. Elaborating on any one point will open all the avenues eventually. However, this piece of writing has a certain goal, therefore I need to cut the side roads short. If you would like to know more about the effects of the elements, please, get in touch with me.
In the case of the mind, the Pineal Gland is the starting point, the 0000 as Sheldon would say in the Big Bang Theory. It contains the untouched, perfect structure of the universe, and since everything is interrelated, it is axiomatic that this format is the key to all creations within. Folders in the Pineal Gland contain the Akashic Records of planets and souls. These are pure numeric translations of energy substances, untouched by mankind, or anybody else, as the matter of fact. When certain evolutionary states are reached, the data slowly makes its way into the Subconscious for further assistance.
It is said by a few, that the Pineal Gland is the Third Eye. I totally disagree with that. However, as in everything, there is some truth in this belief. The first contains all the Knowledge and the second is constantly sharpened to seek the Knowledge. The Third Eye is the Sixth Sense that is capable of using all the five together. Naturally, it can only happen if the basic understanding of everything is energy is set in. Using the five senses, the Third Eye goes beyond the abilities of each one, and sees, hears, tastes, senses, smells all at once. This way a far more accurate picture of the object is drawn.
There are others, who would urge you to cleanse the Pineal Gland. Please, stay away from it. It might be the very last extraordinary gift of nature that human beings haven’t destroyed yet. It is a storage place; one needs to learn keywords to enter into and respect to use.
The Subconscious stores the data leaked over from the Pineal Gland. Unsorted impulses and emotional experiences from this life also land there.
The Conscious is the place where the clarified files live, representing the actual Knowledge of the owner. It is the Wisdom gained through experiences in this lifetime, ready to be added to everyday practice.
The Ego is the filing manager. Teachings, usually coming from the Far-East, pushing you to lose your ego and become nothing, are agents of the New World Order. Without your Ego, you do not live. Having said that, its purpose and structure need clarifications.
I would say, the Ego is your safeguard that challenges you daily when new information or experience is concerned. It is your fear that holds you back. It speaks from your comfort zone without allowing space for discussion or thinking. Sometimes, when your desire is strong, the ego takes it on board and conveys it as reality. That is how pathological lying works. Nevertheless, getting rid of it is not a solution. Not to mention, you cannot really do that. You might suppress its function, however, with it, your life elixir drains and the comfort zone tightens. Pull yourself together, take the challenge in front of you and win the game.
The clearer the data in your mind, the better it is for the knowledge and sadder for the ego.
For example, if in the back of your head, that is the Subconscious, you have certain feelings that there is more to living than what you understand, the Ego would say, no no, there is nothing there! Your right answer would be that challenge is accepted and start digging.
The filing system is your business, the Ego is your employee. If it gets confused about your position and unclear instructions, it will overwrite you and take the lead. As in every business, it would be a disaster, for one of you has to assume responsibility.
Let us take an everyday event through the process of the mind. You walk on the street and you see someone smiling at you as you pass him by. Remember, the opposite genders or the viewpoint are only examples. The impulse triggers your mind straight away, and starts generating thoughts that mirror your evolutionary state, your knowledge, and understanding. The Conscious and The Subconscious will create images of the person. If you are a comfort zone being, who is content with life within, you might not even notice the subconscious data, for the filing manager will not emphasise it. The final picture will be drawn by the ego. Either way, it will make the decision for you.
However, even though we like the comfort zone, most of us allow the purpose of life – experience and learning – shine through from the Pineal Gland, into the Subconscious, and manifest in dreams, desires, and fantasies. With the creative power of thoughts, desire and reality produce an amalgamated version of the event that wins the centre stage in the mind. The more you know about life, energies, behaviours and other human beings, the more colourful and accurate the picture becomes. Desires and fantasies are living products of your creating power therefore you need mental clarity to correctly handle them. Without understanding the borders between the faculties of the mind confusion sets, the Matrix disappears, and the structure collapses. Remember, you need to hang onto the Matrix. The interrelations are keys to living. Nevertheless, you are in control of your mind. Do not believe that thoughts are just coming from nowhere, and regardless of what you do, according to science, 4-thousands of them continuously tormenting you. Wandering thoughts are the product of loose ends and miscellaneous files that do not fit into any folders. Or the filing manager is doing a poor job. Either way, it is your call to put them right.
Thoughts, of any kind, need to be monitored and sorted. Major clearance twice a year will do a good work of tidying them. Discard those that do not fit. Fantasies should remain within the boundaries of plausible. I am not suggesting that you need to hold yourself back. However, idle dreams take up space and energy therefore, there is no point in keeping them alive.
As you are gaining new experiences on a daily basis, you add new files to the existing ones in your filing cabinet. When connections are cleared, a folder is created to hold them together. Then it is taken into account as part of the Conscious, eventually turning into Wisdom.
Examples of these folders are Work, Dwelling, Property, School, and Health. They manage the everyday existence based upon the experiences filed.
The greatest challenge to the filing system of the Conscious is presented by the Media. The vast majority of the powerful people in the media are ignorant about metaphysics, wisdom and knowledge, therefore, their contribution would add to the clusters rather than to the useful. However, since you are the boss, you need to recognise them and instruct the Ego accordingly.
The folders in the Subconscious, such as Past lives, Present, Future, Soul Siblings, Tasks, are parts of the essential information, ready to be discovered, and used as knowledge, the wisdom that helps with endeavours on the path of becoming a valuable human being, in the sense of unity and wholeness.
There is also one file, has Miscellaneous scrabbled on the front, with an indescribable hue of pink. It stores runaway files that, sort of limber undecidedly between the Conscious and the Subconscious.
As an example, let us look at the first folder titled Past lives. It stores the data of one’s ancestors as a soul, the soul-number, the basic abilities, the soul-codes, works the soul accomplished, events it passed through, experiences it had, battles it conquered or lost, and most importantly the knowledge that the soul collected during its lives, prior to the one it struggles with or enjoys here, down on this wonderful planet called Earth.
Although it brings more responsibility, learning is the essence of life, one needs to take on the road towards the greatest challenge of all, Happiness.
Due to the fact that the ultimate knowledge is in the pineal gland of every human being, leaking into the subconscious is inevitable. This is the act of remembering. Pictures of your previous earthly existences, knowledge from the macrocosm and results of your astral travellings pop up in your mind unexpectedly. As they start their journey, trying to gain access to the Conscious, the thoughts are processed by the Ego.
Factors affecting mental health
“God, give me the serenity
To accept the things I cannot change.
Courage, to change the things I can,
And wisdom always to see the difference.”
I am certain, you are familiar with this quote that pops up every here and there, being attributed to different religions, philosophies or institutions. Since every saint has his hands inclined towards him, it is axiomatic that you choose your favourite establishment to honour with the ownership. However, it is more of a conviction than thorough research and comprehension. The global favourite is Buddhism, nevertheless, you cannot ignore their killing missions against the Muslim population in Myanmar and Thailand while preaching about love and kindness. And if the Christian crusaders haven’t destroyed all the knowledge about the past of humanity, we wouldn’t be here, you and me, discussing important matters.
The quote achieved popularity when Kurt Vonnegut used it to illustrate a thought in one of his books, Slaughterhouse 5. I, myself, came across the essence of this saying when digging for the teachings of Khem.
Let us get back to the quote. In the interrelations of energies, it is advisable to start with the essence, in this case the Wisdom to know the difference. If you lacked the wisdom this beautiful teaching wouldn’t mean anything. Key to the wisdom is knowledge. This knowledge focuses on the comprehension of the ever-expanding and constantly moving universe, Earth, humanity and you in it. It is a true validation of the AKIA-PATH-FINDER no 10 that says: “Only through the universe you can reach yourself”
Through the soul, every human being carries the Knowledge of the Great Matrix of the universe. I am aware of the fashionable trend, where even big minds are urging you to step out of the matrix, however, they fail to explain which matrix they mean. Under the umbrella of the whole, there are lesser matrixes, built on top of each other in the manner of a pyramid. You might be able to step out of one and find yourself in a slightly bigger one, but there is no way of escaping the interrelating web even when dead.
The DNA structure of the universe with everything in it, is a pyramid travelling on a spiral. This construction represents the pattern on which organic energies are built, the way earthlings exist and their minds work.
It’s been said that Earth is a school for souls. Yes, it is. This planet and the other fifteen similar ones in this galaxy, provide the perfect environment for souls to exist in a denser, so-called physical form. Like everything, this living condition carries the two opposite poles, such as black and white, joy and struggle, prison and freedom and so on. Apart from the two physical polarities, positive and negative – shouldn’t be used for describing the imagined outcome of momentary events -, they are mirroring the temporary mental state of the particular human being.
To begin the comprehension of this exciting scenery, you need to take on board that for souls living on Earth the physical form is not a choice but a necessity. They use the elaborate digestive system of the body to gain the essential energy to survive and perform the work they are assigned to accomplish.
This task requires decisive work. Since likes attract, the filters need conscious adjustment all the time to enable a higher frequency energy to come through and add to the data already in the filing cabinet where the conscious work of sorting and classifying happens. To help the learning process, the filter upgrade happens through physical and mental experiences, shocks, triggers, and traumas of the microcosm to keep the two poles running and justify the AS ABOVE SO BELOW global understanding.
Although, all human beings are equal – they have the same right to release the Knowledge from within and use it to create a more fulfilling existence – the knowledge on Earth is diverse.
Let’s talk about a few of the major players in shaping the life of an earthling:
Environmental influences
The radical changes in the mental health of humanity vastly derive from recent astronomical events in the galaxy, the history of the planet and that of humanity. The Galactic Quantum Leap on the 28th of December 2012 placed a full stop on major rounds like The Cycle of the Precessions of the Equinoxes and the End of the Fifth Sun Age.
The centre event in the precession of the equinoxes is the end of March beginning of April full moon, the Spring Equinox. The ego of the slow, low vibration mind of humanity doesn’t support changes and forcibly alter or ignore astronomical events to fit their comfort zone. It clearly shows in the widely used man-made calendar where solstices and equinoxes are assigned to permanent dates in order for you to nurture the illusion that humanity is in full control over nature, through it, the macrocosm. There are various calendars in use, most of which are more aligned to nature, however, teaching them or even working with them would destroy the man-made history cover up and open a window on the outside world to let the fresh air in.
Sun and Moon represent the 2 poles in our lives: Sun is the fire, the ultimate greatness that is continuously connecting eternity of the spirit with Earth, the physical existence and the material. It is a male power. Moon is the playful, sometimes irrationally emotional female energy that put you through experiences, joys and heartaches equally to learn and understand greatness. These 2 are in an eternal dance, teasing and consuming each other while cherishing the short- lived togetherness they are granted.
The effect they bear on humanity is vast. Especially on their mental state. These 2 giants are pushing mankind forward while they want to stay put. However, change is inevitable. It provides the emotional upheavals for the machinery of life and the ground for learning. And learning is living. In the comfort zone, there is only existing.
The other event is the Galactic Quantum Leap. It marked the end of the Fifth Sun Age. In the minds of many, Sun Ages are connected to the Mayan calendar. However, their accurate accounts of human existence are ignored in order to fit into the illusions and sand castles built by religions and other limited understandings.
Human existence on Earth was planned for 5 Sun Ages. Each era ended in a Quantum Leap of the planet and subsequently, in a disaster that shook the core. Now, that the whole galaxy is shaken, the catastrophic consequences are vaster. As the structure is changing so is the mental state of earthlings.
Quantum leap happens when a cycle comes to its end and a conclusion is drawn from the outcome. Regardless the size of the happening, learning adds to the evolution of the parties concerned, therefore, a step forward on the spiral of existence is granted. As everything, this forward motion is measured in value. I named this value Knowledge. Knowledge is the data of all energies in the universe. Since everything is energy in the sense of physics, this evolutionary state is apparent through colours, sound, taste, substance, and smell of individual energy masses.
These events are pulling humanity towards the clear comprehension of the perfect ashlar and forcing them to fully merge their microcosm with the macrocosm. In other words, allow the equilateral triangle of the universe to slip into the perfect triangle of their being. This motion is depicted by the six-pointed star.
Genetic predispositions
Since science and the general understanding do not embrace the macrocosmic side of humanity and the individual challenges it introduces, the responsibility and the blame are shifted to various platforms. Amongst them the earthly ancestors are the most obvious.
In the desperate search for answers when facing unidentifiable challenges concerning individual emotional and mental intelligence, humanity turns to the ancestors, and more often than not, blames them for their genes they passed on. I find it greatly disturbing to see various scams of offering cleansing of the ancestorial karma, that apparently shines through 7 generations. Well, if you carry the karma of 7 generations than you burden yourself with the unsolved traumas of the whole humanity. The rolling on cannot stop there, since the 7th in the row also takes on 7 and so on.
Genetical legacy is mostly imaginary, for rather than permanently chiselled into the existence of earthlings, it is acquired during the early years of life. As it is learnt it could be unlearnt. Since it is in constant motion, nothing is permanent in the universe. Therefore, it is axiomatic that human beings not only have the capability of changing but it should embrace the motion as the only solution for evolving, better still, living. I do appreciate that it is easier said than done. Dominant powers, such as financial institutions, governments, and other controlling bodies, urge their subjects into stillness by forcing them to settle down near their ancestors for security. Caring for elders is also shifted to burden the children rather than the governing institutions. This, and other motions chasing consistency, kill individual dreams in the bud and turn earthlings into vulnareble domesticated pets without survival instincts. However, the macrocosmic connection is still there, triggering the mind and motions to fulfill individual obligations.
However, there are genetically inheritable illnesses or rather inclinations to be considered.
Past traumas and unresolved experiences
Without the comprehension of the origin of humanity, existence is an illusion in a fabricated earthly dimension. As a result, trauma coaching and psychological treatments grew into a lucrative industry where people are urged to reconcile with their painful experiences rather than solving them. Having said that, existence is as hard as one considers it to be.
The impact of the concealed information and misconception bundle causes quite a disorder in the mind and easily breaks up previously clarified information. Rather than seeking more data, the Ego moves these files to a folder, labelled out of my control and considers the case closed. The individual adds the unpleasantness, pain or trauma to the seemingly assigned, permanent burden without which life would lose meaning.
There are two distinctive categories of mental disturbances related to the past. One, that happened during the present existence and the other is earthly past lives related to the soul of the human being.
Traumas are dents on imagination, misconception and expectation. Since all three of them are illusions, the shock occurs when they collide with reality. The degree of the hit, mirrors the mental and emotional intelligence of the person to whom it happens.
Since similar energies like each other, the mirror clearly shows the limitations of the earthling and the path to take in order to avoid or soften forthcoming traumas. However, these shockwaves cannot be avoided. They are personal quantum leaps to provide the opportunity to break out of the comfort zone and embrace a higher evolutionary level through the experience and the conclusion drawn.
There is a weird misconception about past lives, for it is generally considered existences of the human being and not limited to the soul. The flesh cannot reborn. The soul comes into different existences to experience and learn. It means, diverse place of birth, skin colour, gender and social background, surrounded by new souls for creating a family but most of all, emotional experiences from which learning is possible.
My past as a life coach, clearly shows that human beings seldom change their minds about their general standing point. The number of those who seek help doubled and rapidly growing but they require nurturing rather than guidance.
I am not the first philosopher to observe that the fiercest enemy of mankind is fear. However, not many would take the next step as to figure out the actual origin of this overpowering, omnipresent, life-altering and heart bouncing feeling. Fear is equally in eating or not, walking or not, doing or not, saying or not and having or not. Regardless of the choice one makes, the little devil is always there to doubt the decision. Earthlings have the peculiar idea that making the right decision is vital. Nevertheless, what they do not comprehend is that every decision one makes is the right one for the given event. The momentary mind-set creates the decision to fit the capabilities of the person. Therefore, every choice one makes is the right one at the time.
Due to the emotions caused by the delicate understanding of happenings, the conscious and the subconscious create filters and gateways through which information comes in and is selected.
However, in the genes earthlings remember. Not only the current one but all the previous lives on Earth and on other planets the soul went through in search for fulfilment. There are scientifically proven methods that help with emotional blockages, such as kinesiology and deep hypnosis, where patients are taken over the bridge, to the past, in an attempt to solve the emotional or physical pain of the present. The success of these methods depends on the reading ability of the practitioner, and upon the patient’s openness. It follows the fact that one can only see, whatever one would be able to imagine, therefore, either consciously or subconsciously, understands. This statement might not correspond with the everyday behaviour of the person, for humans put on many layers in order to please others or the imposed requirements of society, workplace and family. In one word, to conquer fear. If a practitioner has problems with seeing past lives on other planets, they will not be able to notice them, and if the patient cannot comprehend the possibility of such life, there is no point in mentioning it.
This understanding is present in the sciences also. A member of this knowledgeable profession learns certain facts about life, past and present, many of them are only assumed or put there for convenience, usually as the starting point. In their work, they apply those criteria regardless, so as to actually narrow the possibilities and the outcome of the discoveries about the past. If you think about it, the past cannot be proven, neither the present, for reality depends on the intelligence and understanding of the person charged with the valuation of certain events. Since the starting point is shaky, due to an ideology, wish or non-proven conclusion, the whole finding will take the turn towards hypothesis rather than real value.
When it comes to mind, there are no general rules to follow. The only fact is given that everything is interrelated. It is the basic and only expectation of the whole universe to exist with Earth and earthlings in it.
The cycle of nature is a piece of clever machinery. Human life is part of this infinite existence that constantly evolves in the interrelations of events. Every living energy has a place in this cycle, humanity included. However, due to the lack of intelligence, earthlings gradually stepped out of it, by imagining that they are above it all, and have the power of ruling, therefore ruining everything. On the other hand, they created God Almighty, who is supposedly in charge of life and death. In this contradictory reality, the responsibility is conveniently shifted over on the shoulders of the Creator, while people of the planet are persistently ruining The Great Work.
This basic contradiction is the root of every confusion, misconception, and misunderstanding in the minds of many.
It is very naïve to think that the mind could be healed by superficial aids such as medication or conventional psychoanalysis. It takes learning, understanding and willpower, to get on the path of joyful living. It is time to realize that nothing precious comes to you without work, for valuable thoughts, understandings and knowledge are hidden. It takes a committed, curious and life-loving earthling to dig for the treasure without being satisfied by the glittery surface.
I wouldn’t have been over dramatic if I had started the article with this subject, for it can make you or, more often than not, break your mental and emotional faculties.
The word faith is usually associated with religion. So as spirituality. However, there is a fundamental difference between the meanings of these expressions.
A religion is a set of beliefs and practices, often centred upon specific supernatural and moral claims about reality and often codified.
Spirituality is a path to reach and become one with the Creator Force, The Universe.
All religions are manmade and serving the aims of the ruling few. Nevertheless, many started as a philosophy and spiritual teaching but turned into a religion by autocrats. Others were fundamentally created to mislead and oppress humanity. One might argue that religion gives one hope and a sense of belonging. However, there is a famous Arabic saying: Man starts living when stops hoping. It is true, for hope is an illusion. It is a shift of actions and responsibilities. It reduces one’s willpower and curiosity, slows down abilities of noticing the interrelations of energies and eliminates reasoning. In one word, all the vital faculties of earthlings.
Spirituality is not connected to belief systems. It is a learning path where the jigsaw pieces of events are placed on the board of understanding life and searching for the truth. It is a educational trail where experiences are made through tackling obstacles and traumas; turning them into wisdom by observation and drawn conclusions. It is the road that elevates one to a higher existence and opens the door on esoteric knowledge.
Having said that, life is a series of catch-22s. It means that learning through experience is a must however, one needs to possess a certain level of knowledge to understand that and start building the perfect ashlar of the universe.
This contradiction of the 2 poles in everything provides the constant motion that aligns with the ever-changing existence.
With the Galactic Quantum leap Earth entered into the Golden Era. The darkness of the 5 Sun Ages ended and the planet merged into the Light of the Infinite. This motion raised the vibration coming from the macrocosm that demands higher energy level from the inhabitants of Earth to enable them to fit in. Since similar energies like each other, the responsibility of humanity grew to an unimaginable height, not only for the planet but every human being on it. Living is not for the self any longer but for the elevation of all. This concept might not be comprehended by the majority of earthlings however, it still exists, and shouldn’t be ignored. I would say, this is the core of mental health problems, for it causes contradictory impulses in the Conscious and destroys the floating peace pushed by the groups in power.
Expressions, such as permanent, settling down, unchangeable, even mindset, should be ignored, for they work against the true nature of humanity. There is nothing permanent in the universe therefore it is axiomatic that there is nothing everlasting in the behaviour of a human being.
Humanity looks at the universe as a two-dimensional colouring book. Translated into their lives, there is the past and the present. However, living in the past doesn’t allow to have a present where the actual life happens. Without present, future cannot exist. Three-dimensional existence should be considered, by understanding the past, drawing conclusions and using the wisdom for the present and to plan the future.
The greatest mistake of humanity is to build a future on the debris of the past. This way, a strong tie is established that captivates people and robs their future.
Total honesty is essential. Without it, existence is an illusion. Conscious understanding of the self comes from observation and learning, and develops into remembering deeds performed and words uttered.
The truth and the solution are always out of the boundaries of the familiar.
The only freedom of humanity is the freedom of thought. It can only be cultivated by conscious learning.
“Live without bringing shame on yourself.” (AKIA-Path-Finder no3)
© Zsa Zsa Tudos 18th of February 2025